Friday 25 November 2011

Object Voice Diagram (Tentative)

This is my attempt to graph the notion of Object Voice as I understand it so far, note it is not a loop, or circle, as the big arrows misleadingly show (these are merely present to highlight the forces which 'build' the object voice, and are, at the same time, the object voice) - the large arrows point to different sides of the Mobius strip and this is located at the convergence between Logos and Remnant. So look at the centre and imagine the Mobius strip and pan out for the details of it's strange dyadic dynamics, it's extimacy...

At first I felt the logos bubble should be much larger than the exo/remnant side, dwarfing it like an eclipse to reflect the metaphysical history Dolar runs through, but as this Logos voice is only granted authority by the remnant, and the remnant is key to allowing Logos becoming act etc... I felt I'll leave them at similar sizes - maybe through a historical perspective (if we could add a depth/history vector to the drawing - shifting from 2d to 3d) then a colossal exo remnant could lurk on the horizon but appear historically as lesser in size than the Logos realm?

The section on Hegel in Derrida's essay feels very very similar to this Object Voice notion just an anatropic, or inside out, version leaning on auto-affection? - Maybe that's just me.

EDIT - ok, I just finished the Derrida essay, I cannot see much difference (no pun, lets not go there) regarding voice between the two to be honest, Dolar twists the Exo into a helix supporting the Logos, Derrida calls on Heidegger's 'being' before showing how being cannot be outside of logos essentially.... I also feel I have been a touch harsh on Jacques, and Dolar couldn't have enjoyed such critical leverage had he quoted the line afterwards..... I can't outline this without re-hashing and transcribing whole chunks of each text....

Anyway, here is one part of Derrida's essay that sticks out like a sore thumb (concerning the similarities between Derrida's voice and Lacan/Dolar's Object Voice) - my italics....

"It is thus that, after evoking the "voice of being" Heidegger recalls that it is silent, mute, insonorous, wordless, originally a-phonic (...) The voice of the sources is not heard. A rupture between the ordinary meaning of being and the word, between meaning and the voice, between "the voice of being" and the "phone", between the "call of being" and articulated sound; such a rupture, which at once confirms a fundamental metaphor, and renders it suspect by accentuating its metaphoric discrepancy, translates the ambiguity of the Heideggerian situation with respect to the metaphysics of presence and logocentrism. It is at once contained within it and transgresses it. But it is impossible to separate the two."

P.22, - From Jacques Derrida, "The End of the Book and the Beginning of writing", from Of Grammatology

If I'm totally mis-reading this please chime in (or email me).

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