Tuesday 21 February 2012

Lacanian Map (sorry for the delay in posting this O_o)

III The resonances of interpretation and the time of the subject in psychoanalytic technique

‘Two body psychology’: The analysis is exemplar both of the structure of speech and the one of subjectivity: since the subjectivity of the analyst (free of all restraint) leaves the subject at the mercy of every summons of his speech, to apprehend himself as an object p. 91

The sovereign freedom of the signifier: to free the patient’s speech we introduce him to the language of his desire. Beyond what he tells us of himself, he is already talking to us unknown to himself p.81

The repressed symbol makes itself heard: the analyst can play the power of the symbol by evoking it in the semantic resonances of his remarks p.82

Language is not a sign: this made speech fall into discredit among us (in search of the sign). The bees example to show what a sign is: generic and not conventional. P.84

Language is instead dialectic: ‘it refers to the discourse of the other’. The highest function of speech is to invest the other person with a new reality p. 84

Speech is a bondage of subjectivities and for that is in antinomy to language: ‘As language becomes more functional, it becomes improper for speech, and as it becomes too particular to us, it loses its function as a language’. Language that moves closer to information is imputed to be laden with redundancies p.85

The responsibility of the analyst whenever he intervenes by means of speech is to recognize or abolish the patient as a subject p.87

I’ and ‘me’ are different in the subject: his ego is not identical with the presence that is speaking to the analyst! p. 90

The function of Language is not to inform but to evoke. In speech I want the response of the other. What constitutes me as a subject is my question. No computer can make a reaction out of what a result could be p.86

To respond to the patient the analyst has to recognize where his ego (formed as verbal nucleus) is: he has to know through whom and for whom the subject poses his question p.89

Intersubjectivity of Speech

and the Figure of the Analyst p. 78

There is something else in place in the analysis: something that goes beyond language and words and is imbued of symbolic resonances and expresses itself through speech, represented and embodied in speech.

The analyst gives to the true speech of the subject the sanction of his reply: but thereby he shows that true speech already contains its own reply p.95

Like the dialectic of the master and the slave the patient enjoys the simple puntuation and the analyst’s speech because it maks his progresses: revealing his own feelings about his labour. The same dialectic between ego and superego is established à SEDUCTION p.99

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